We always search our query in Google. There are huge set of techniques by which we can search in Google more accurately. I collect and show some of them here that I frequently use. Those techniques are very simple but provide very fruitful result :) .
1. Whenever we search for more than one keyword (i.e. computer programming, here we use 2 key word. a) computer b) programming) at a time Google will handle this keyword using a method called Boolean Default. Google's Boolean default is 'AND'; that means if we enter query words without modifiers, Google will search for all of them. If we search for:
computer programming
Google will search for all the words. If we want to specify that either word is acceptable, we can put an 'OR' between each item:
computer OR programming
If we want to exclude a query item from search results, use a -.(minus sign or dash:
computer -programming
note that there is no space after the (-) sign.
2. To search for a phrase use "" surrounding the phrase. like:
"Some Interesting Google Search Technique"
3. Period (.) and Asterisk (*) can also be used as traditionally used.
4. To search anything from a specific site use 'site:site_name'.
google site:share-facts.blogspot.com
This will search for the term google only in the specified site.
note that there is no space after the (:) sign.
5. To restrict search to title of web pages we can use 'intitle:search_keyword'
6. Use 'inurl:search_keyword' to restrict search to the URLs of web pages.
7. To search in body text use 'intext:search_keyword'
8.Searches for text in a page's link anchors
inanchor:"google desktop"
9. To search for a specific filetype use 'filetype:desired_file_type'
bangladesh filetype:pdf
10. To search a copy of the page that Google indexed even if that site/page is no longer available at its original URL or has since changed its content completely. This is particularly useful for site/pages that change often.
11. To get the definition of search keyword 'define:search_keyword'.
12. To find lyrics use
"lyrics_phrase" lyrics
13. To get the time of Dhaka
time dhaka